Of Orange and Red: Buagsong Sunsets

Light Stalking is very tricky. The margin between luck and success of getting that magical and diffused golden light is very slim.

Cebu, like any other amazing places in the Philippines, has a lot of good spots where you can bask and watch the sun sets into the horizon. Cebu, being dry and humid on most part of the year is an ideal place to chase the lights of dusk and dawn.

Buagsong Cordova

For the most enthusiast who just started in their photography endeavors, the town of Cordova, particularly in Buagsong, has been among the best places in Cebu to practice and develop your passion for the craft.

When I started my journey, Buagsong has been a haven. This place has been my go-to place if I wanted to get a dose of sunset photographs. Others have considered Buagsong as their place of Zen. I have no words left to describe, the place is just amazing.

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Below are some of my photos in Buagsong during the early stages of my photography adventure. I know they are not stunning but I guess they are worthy to be shared.

Please pardon my insolence. 😀

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Buagsong Cordova Buagsong Cordova


How to Get to Buagsong, Cordova

Aside from being a photographers’ spot, Buagsong is a hidden gem to foodies. It is one of the few places in Cebu to enjoy affordable seafood treats. The place is known for its delicious bakasi (reef eel) and other fresh seafood such as spider conch and blue crabs.

So, to get to Buagsong, just take a taxi or a PUJ in Lapu Lapu City that says Cordova. Once you reach the town of Cordova, just ask where the Buagsong is, most of the people know the whereabouts of the place.


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